Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter Bunny

 On Monday we went to meet the Easter Bunny!  Jackson had to check to see if he was real by grabbing his whiskers (much like he did at Disneyland!).  He then smiled up a storm.  They take four photos and basically each of them looked pretty much just like the one I chose!  

Post Easter Bunny Excitement!
Post Easter Bunny Snooze
So tired I was even able to move him to the car and he stayed asleep - that NEVER happens!


  1. SO cute! I'm happy you enjoyed the Easter bunny Jackson. Can't wait until tomorrow for you to tell me all about it

  2. Jackson I'm so proud of you...Auntie would have been too creeped out to sit and smile with that bunny :)Hope the Easter Bunny is good to you this weekend!!
    Auntie Nicole
