Monday, April 18, 2011

New Toothbrush!

 Brush your teeth, shhhh shhhh shh shh shhhhh shhhhh shh shh (inset melody here!)

His 'I Did It' smile complete with a shake of the toothbrush!

We opened Jackson's big boy crayon toothbrush last night that he got from Auntie Caitlin before he was even born!!  It has a crayon rattle in the handle and he loved it! We put the toothpaste on and let him brush them for a bit!  What a good boy!  I hope it's always this easy to get him to brush his teeth - although I'm sure it won't be!  With five teeth cut and the sixth in the process of breaking through...we love brushing all our teeth!

Over Half Way to Home Day :)


  1. You're so cute mister! Keep brushing those teeth!

    miss you family

    3 more sleeps!!


  2. Wow look at that smile and those beautiful teeth!!! Great Job Jackson...Where can I get one of those cool toothbrushes for Monkey?
