Thursday, April 21, 2011

Jackson is 11 Months Old!

Can you believe that this little boy is now 11 months old?!  That means that exactly one month from right now, I will be sitting here (likely sad!) after everyone has left, the mess is cleaned up, and my little ONE YEAR OLD boy is slumbering away...growing up way too fast! 

At 11 Months, Jackson is...

* The BIGGEST busy boy*
*Crawling up a storm*
*Walking around while holding firniture*
*Walking with his walker*
*Playing music to his heart's content*
*Enjoying eating - and doesn't shy away from new foods*
*Sleeps from about 8 pm - 7 am*
*Naps twice a day...pretty much like clock work...10 am and 3:30*
*LOVES his baths still and ANYTHING to do with water*
*Flushes the toilet*
*Waits with his mouth open for Kia kisses (she is the only lucky one he gives them out to free to!)*
*Is so happy and easygoing*
*A chatterbox!*
*Gets into everything and is always looking for something beyond him to keep him reaching*
*LOVES the Roomba vacuum.  It is a part of our daily routine*
*Just started saying Mama two days ago*
*Cut his sixth tooth this evening*
*Points at things*
*Loves being upside down, spun around, or anything else 'daring'*
*Still chews the heck out of his crib*
*Snuggles and kisses when tired*
*Wants to eat off of our plates and with our cutlery*
*Weighs in at 26 lbs, 4 oz*
*Walks while holding our fingers*
*Stands on his own only for brief moments*

I do believe that this is my new favorite stage!  He is able to communicate more and more.  We are able to laugh and play and even have some snuggle time!  I think he amazes me more and more and each day I think to myself 'he grew up over night'.  Although I'm delighted that he's turning into his own little stubborn yet easygoing little person, I am sad that he is less and less my little baby!  I can't wait each morning to see what he's going to discover!

Thank you Jackson for showing us just how adventurous everyday living can be!  We owe so much of our happiness to you.

xox Mommy & Daddy xox

I hope you enjoy these photos!  I do :)

 Some of my favs in black and white!

 And then it was time to go home!...

On another note, we had a scare with Jackson last night.  The good news is - he has Croup.  The bad news is that I woke at 3:30 am hearing him gasping for air unable to catch his breathe.  One call to 911 and an ambulance ride later, he was given a couple medications and was a busy body before we knew it.  Tonight he was starting to get the raspy sound back in his chest...but so far no seal barking from his room!  He was such a good boy through it all.  I was embarrassed that I called 911 thinking I may have overreacted...but seeing the change in him after the medicine and hearing horrible stories or Croup gone wrong, I believe in my decision.  You feel that you would do ANYTHING to keep them safe...and that includes getting them help when you can't help them.  I'm so glad we have baby monitors!  I am relieved that Trevor is home (why do these things happen when he is away!?) and we can battle this together should we need to!  He is contagious for the next three days or so - - - which sucks considering all the plans we had for the weekend. Thanks for all the support to his buddies out there!  So nice to know we have good family and friends around that are willing to help out :)

1 comment:

  1. One more month Little Man, until we get to PARTY!! Can't wait to watch you explore and flirt your way around the room that day! We are all gonna have so much fun!
    Feel better soon and lots of love,
    Auntie Nicole
