Thursday, August 16, 2012

Sawyer's 4 Months (a while ago!)

This post is way too late...but I guess that's what happens when you have two littles and a busy summer and so much going on and little sleep!

Our little Sawyer Bear is 4 months old already...scary, right?!

What's he up to?...

- Chatting up a storm.  He loves his play mat, just like Moose did, but has a dog that he just loves to stare at -
- Is SO CLOSE to rolling from his back to his fact one time he was close enough that I almost counted it! -
- LOVES his brother.  Anytime Jackson is around Sawyer finds him and is all grins! -
- Loves to engage with people, is easy to get to smile and laugh -
- He is very easy going and is content being a part of everything -
- Just yesterday we started some rice cereal.  I tried a bit ago with no interest and then yesterday he was grabbing my hand and shoving the spoon in his mouth! -
- Was a good sleeper at night (waking once) until he got sick. Now he's waking anywheres from 2-4 time...and we are soooo over it!  We are hoping he settles back in soon! -
- Is wearing 6-9 or 6-12 (depending on brand) clothes and it's crazy.  He is more comfortable in the 6-12s...which is just ridiculous. - 
- Likes to stand and be in his jumper -
- Is already in a rear facing carseat in Dada's truck because he was just not happy in the bucket -
- As of two weeks ago he weighed 18lbs 8 oz. - - - Holy Cow! -
- Is starting to nap more consistently in the day (one short morning nap and one long afternoon nap and one cat nap at night) - 
- Both boys bath together now as Sawyer pretty much outgrew his baby tub -
- Loves reaching for things and has a good grasp on him -
- Loves to look in the mirror - 
- Is SUPER hard to get to take a bottle unless it's his before bed bottle.  It is frustrating and annoying and you really wouldn't know it by looking at him that he struggles to eat his bottle!  He has a nipple preference of TWO nipples and is so darn picky it's ridiculous! -
- Has his brothers amazing eyes -
- Is really really REALLY stinkin' cute! -

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