Monday, April 16, 2012

Our Chubster

We are so in love with our new little chubster!  He is pretty darn sweet - and it kinda upsets me to think that he is already two weeks old today.  At two weeks old, he - so far - (which could change at any second!) has fallen into a little night pattern.  He wakes at around 1:30 and 4:30 to eat.  I am surprised at his consistency thus far.  He isn't as predictable during the day and tends to cluster feed - but during the night, it's nice to have some predictability.  Wouldn't it be nice if that were here to stay!?

In the hospital, he had the nurses in and out to look at him because they thought he was so cute and chubby.  He had many nicknames in the hospital from his nurses, my favorite being Pork Chop.  Haha.  Pork Chop?!  Nice.  We will stick with Bear, Bear Paw, and Lil much nicer for the self-esteem than Pork Chop!!!

We love you Sawyer!

These pictures actually reminded me of Moose and his constant going into Sawyer's room while he is sleeping.  I have learned to place Sawyer further back in his crib so Moose's paws can't reach him...and found the other day that Moose had opted to overcome that challenge by pulling that blue receiving blanket that I have under Sawyer's head for spit up towards him - thus Sawyer moving towards him as well!  Smart li'l boy!

1 comment:

  1. Its so sweet that Moose loves him so much!

