Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Dear Lord...how ridiculously disconnected you feel when your internet stops working!  I've been waiting for Trevor to get home - and sure enough, within half an hour, it was up and running again.  You read that right - Trevor is home...and this house could not be happier :)

Now I will play a little catch up!

Since my last post...Jackson has (knock on wood) returned to his sleep habits...and we are four days into a cry-free nap & bed time routine!  What a difference it makes.  He also has given up his crying every time we came inside after enjoying outdoor play time - which is also nice!  He is definitely working out his emotions and he's managing them better than a week ago at this time - but who knows!  It's a day to day thing at this age I think!

I am still pregnant.  I am getting really sore and really anxious.  And now, to top it off...I've caught some sort of chest cold - which is really wiping me out considering the amount of time I've been flying solo over the past month and a bit.  In all actuality, I can't complain.  Trev and I were talking about how it seemed that I caught every bug known when I was pregnant with Moose, and this time - this is my first.  What an achievement!  My hopes is that Jackson doesn't catch what I have.  Our plan is for me to spend some MUCH NEEDED time in bed resting over the next few days.  I CANNOT WAIT.  

I have missed Trevor so very much and my days and nights have been so very lonely.  Jackson has missed him too.  When we pulled up to the airport Jackson saw Trev before he spotted us - and it was "DADA DADA!"  Much nicer than the make-shy he usually plays!  And Kia had her usual freak out session when she saw him get out of the truck too!  It's good to be a family again.  I've missed this - and the past couple days have been a big struggle.

These are a couple videos that went with the photos from the post below...but I haven't been able to upload them because the internet on the computer stopped working right after my last post!

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