Friday, March 16, 2012

Splish Splash

This is what Spring is all about...

Yesterday Jackson and I found some rubber boots and a matching rain coat.  All I heard was BOOTS BOOTS BOOTS for a good part of the afternoon.  In fact, it was the first thing he found this morning when he came downstairs and he may have even worn them at the breakfast table.  He has an absolute blast being outside and really is just so happy being out there.  The only trouble with all of this fun is...the meltdowns that have now begun to ensue when it's time to come in the house!  

Oh Boy...Moose is definitely starting to push boundaries and to test limits.  In the last handful of days he and I have not been seeing eye to eye on everything...and this includes bedtime!  Bedtime used to be one of the most seamless times of day, both at nap and night.  Not anymore.  Every time he throws a bit of a pity party for himself.  He first tries to distract me... 'book', 'door', 'water', 'tractor'...when he gets put in bed regardless he will protest in tears and screams for about 2 minutes before either playing in his crib or going straight to sleep.  It's the longest 2 minutes of my life and feels much longer...but, we have agreed if we don't stick to our guns now and be consistent and diligent, it will not get better - in fact, it will get much much worse.  But, listening to him cry has never been my strong point.  And...he's a I'm always weary of letting him cry because it has ended in puke.  

Last night he pushed me way too far.  He was up at midnight complaining.  Me, being foolish, treated this as I would have two weeks ago when he was waking up wanting a small something to fill his belly and then returning to blissful sleep within minutes...OH HOW WRONG I WAS!  The second I stood up when he finished his drink, the tears's now close to 1 am...and he does not want to go to bed.  I did not care.  It was friggin bedtime.  I let him cry...the result?  He puked in his crib.  Oh was I mad.  I bathed, changed bedding, and re-jammied without saying a word to him and without turning the lights on all the way (thank god for dimmers!).  The second he was going back to his crib - the crying started.  I didn't even care.  I left him.  For an hour and a half I listened to him cry on and off before he finally crashed.  Me?  I don't crash that easily, so I was up until 4:45 AM and boy am I tired and quite bitter! 

As usual, I did some reading and even had asked the doctor about it yesterday.  We are not alone.  The doctor's actual words to me were 'welcome to the terrible 2s'.  I sure as hell feel all alone!  I've read that a lot of other kids his age are struggling with sleep time, with asserting their opinion and independence, and with being determined to not want to be away from the rest of the world.  Ugh...what a crappy time for all this to kick in!  I also read it often happens before big developmental breakthroughs which could also be playing a role - as his language development is just getting more interesting every day.  He has new words daily and recognizes and labels things that I had no idea he had a clue of.  It's pretty amazing...but I'd be more amazed if I was better Jackson, please go back to enjoying going to bed!

When does this phase end!?  Why do these things always happen when Trevor is away?  God forbid he ever have to deal with the power struggles, routine shifts, doctors appointments, or any other hard time!  Usually by the time he comes back, things have adjusted and worked themselves back out!  I'm not sure that will be the case this time...Moose seems pretty head strong on his new found independence...and I just hope my will power is stronger than his!!



  1. You boots and jacket look pretty good mister. Looks like you had a whole lot of fun.

    Please be good for mommy


  2. Ugh wish the comment poster wouldn't always lock up on my phone.

    Looking forward to coming home. No more overtime!

    Miss you family.
