Tuesday, October 4, 2011

This 'n That Recap!

This and that from the past week from our little monster!

Some good eats that make our belly happy!

Some headstands that we think are sooo funny!!

 Some good ol' fashion bubble baths!

A special walk with Auntie to the park across the street!

 Playing with the vacuum, that is a huge favorite!

 Playing with our racetrack!  He thinks it'll spin him, but he's too big now!

Jackson also has had some firsts this past week!

-  While I was getting his pjs out and running his bath, Moose decided to climb into the running tub.  I heard a splash, came running and there he was, a bit startled but proud as punch! -
- Has started consolidating his two naps into one mid-day nap -
- Played in the leaves!  So much so that when his bum was changed when we got home, there were leaves in his diaper! -
- Has set my alarm on my nightstand clock to go off at midnight...twice! -

I'm sure there's things I'm missing, but all in all - he's continued to keep up busy!

1 comment:

  1. Love the post babe. Looking cute as always mister!!

    When I look at the eating ones I can hear all the mmmm's and oh yeah noises he makes in my head :)

    Stay out of trouble mister!!

    Miss you family

