Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fantastic Fall

I did a couple photo shoots yesterday and it was just sooooo beautiful out there I had to take Jackson back today to play!  Did I mention that this boy LOVES being outside?!  It even started to rain and he was totally digging it.  We thought we'd wait the rain out, and then it pretty much decided to pour!  He did not care!  He just LOVES water.  LOVES being outside.  LOVES running and be chased.  LOVES being a BOY!

I realize I've been neglecting my poor blog lately!  SORRY!  I am vowing to make a better effort this week.  I am starting to feel more rested and have some more energy the past day or so - and am hoping this is a sign of what's around the corner!  Taking these photos today, sprucing them up, and posting them was a big push for me because I LOVED it!  He is so darn special!  I just am inspired by him every day - and that smile wins me over even during my most draining times!  I love you Jackson - more than you will EVER understand!  You're excitement to see what each day has to hold for you is contagious and I can learn so much from the way you see the world.  Thank you for being MY teacher :)


  1. SO cute buster! You and mommy were having so much fun!! Smiles from ear to ear the whole time.

    Love the pics and the post babe.

    Miss you and love you family!!


  2. I love these photos, definitely some of my favorite!!
