Tuesday, September 6, 2011


These are a couple photos left from when we went to visit grandma and grandpa on Saturday.  I wasn't going to post, but some people have sharp memories and had to ask where they were...so here they are!  We took a short visit to my parents' neighbors garage as they were loading up their toys!  Seriously, a boy's dream in there - especially my boy!  Toys galore!  Quads, skidoos, trucks, gokart!  Even I was drooling!  Moose L-O-V-E-D it all.  So I snapped his photo on a big boy quad.  Something he will not be riding for a long long time!

On Grandpa's tractor trying to figure out how to start it up!

Pushing all the buttons on the big boy toys!  Looks like his lil quad!

1 comment:

  1. Wow mister! You're pretty luck. Looks like a pretty nice Polaris quad you're sitting on. Daddy will have to get one too ;)

    Love you and miss you guys like crazy family

