Tuesday, September 27, 2011


After what seems like forever, I'm excited to FINALLY make this announcement!

The reason why I've been so absent lately is because I'm exhausted!  

The reason why I've been so exhausted lately is because...

... Jackson is going to be a Big Brother!

We are thrilled and feel so very grateful and fortunate to be making room for another amazing miracle in our life!

The new little creature has some big shoes to fill with this little monster as a Big Brother!  Jackson steals my heart every day and I can't wait to see how he transitions into his new role.

So far this pregnancy has felt like it has sucked the life out of me!  I don't know if it's the baby growing or the baby chasing that has me so tuckered out...but the combination has me exhausted!  I have been really lucky in regards to sickness...while I'm nauseous often, I'm rarely ever sick.  I haven't had any cravings other than ice water and spicy foods such as cactus cuts or jalapeno chips!  Definitely not the cereal and root beer I craved with Jackson!  I have no idea if my gut says boy or girl because it changes every day!  It just gives us something to look forward to learning!

We had an ultrasound today and June was having a ball trying to pin down our lil steam roller to get a measurement!  I guess it was more into rolling and turning than letting her do her job!  We were able to get a measurement of 12 weeks, 4 days - and today we are 12 weeks, 3 days pregnant --- so pretty bang on!  The heartbeat was a healthy 170 bpm.
Truthfully, Moose is down for a nap and Trevor is working in the garage, so this Mama is going to lay down!  I am looking forward to the adventures that lie ahead!


  1. Congratulations Again :)
    We are very happy for you guys

  2. I am so happy I got to scan this little one! So much personality already! Jackson will be an amazing big brother :)
