Friday, September 16, 2011

Silent Auction Display

Kristen J. Photography has donated a photo package to a silent auction in hopes to raise money for breast cancer.  I had to make a booth display - which I've NEVER had to do nor have I ever really thought about it.  We have lots of photo frames in our bonus room so I decided that the most cost effective and quickest way would be to pick some of my fav photos (SO HARD), watermark 'em, and put them in some frames.  Ta Da.  A table display...lets hope it generates some attention :)

Notice Nicole's photo was TOO SMALL for the frame (foolish measurement on my part) and I had the ugly white behind it!?  Last night I couldn't think past that option, but this morning - I came up with a solution!  Wrapping paper!  What a great way to add some flare to a photo frame and it can be changed up with the photo or your decor!  It looked SO much better with the black striped border vs. the ugly white!  See what a night's sleep can do?!

Icky White Border
Revamped with wrapping paper!

 Wish us luck!  We already have a bid in for $150 - and the auction hasn't started yet!  
Thanks Kristin ;)

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your auction tomorrow babe. Hope it raises a whole bunch of money for breast cancer. The frames look great!!

    Love the new header for the blog and the film strip window that pops up when you click to enlarge a photo.

