Monday, June 9, 2014

Happy 4th Birthday Moose

On May 21 we celebrated our amazing Moose turning 4!  I must say - I really notice a difference in him lately.  He's bigger.  Physically, mentally, emotionally, it's all just starting to take off.  There's no 'little' left to him anymore (as he is sure to remind us of daily!). 

On his birthday we had our traditional special birthday breakfast.  He chose dada's famous pancakes and special apple sauce with whipped cream.  Yum.  Then he got a couple small presents (ummm...of the Transformer sort) that he loved.  And off to school he went!  They got to celebrate there and then that night we had Nana and Papa over for special ice cream cake!

And cake time...!

This last photo is his 'my eyes aren't tired' face!  RIIIIGGGGGHHHHHT!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how times flies! The past year both of them have grown and changed so much

