Saturday, February 15, 2014

Stir Crazy

I'm so happy the weather is starting to warm up for a few days because I was starting to go a tiny bit stir crazy and really wanted to get outside with the boys!  This morning after breakfast, we did just that!  And we invited Auntie Cole along, afterall - she lives so close - and maybe she was feeling stir crazy too!  Even if she wasn't, she said yes and we went out for a walk!

Our outing shortly turned into a snowball fight courtesy of Jackson!  He's such a good sport and loves being playful.  Sawyer, on the other hand, is more cautious and hesitant.  He likes to watch from afar before getting involved and then if things don't quite go his way, he has a reaction like below!

Honestly - this little walk was the best part of my day!  It felt so good to be outside.  It had me daydreaming about the summer months to come; walks, park time, backyard playing....ahhhh - how sweet it will be!  Mostly, I'm excited to have Jackson home for three months.  I miss the little fart when he goes to preschool and Sawyer just adores him to bits!  I hope you all are enjoying your long weekends.  Hopefully we will have some more fun adventures over the next two days :)  Maybe some toboganning?!  Who knows!

1 comment:

  1. Nice!
    Looked like so much fun! Great weather finally for a walk. Jealous of you guys.

    Miss you guys

