Monday, February 10, 2014

Sawyer at 22 Months

This little bugger is almost 2.  Seriously, where did the time go?  I just feel like it's all a blur.

He is very active and is always trying to keep up with his brother.
A very good eater - except for breakfast, he has no interest in breakfast until about 10 am.
When it comes to food, he is most definitely a carnivore!
Sleeps well at night.  Trying to boycot nap, but I'm sticking to it!
LOVES 'bots' like his brother (rescue bots).  
Actually he pretty much loves everything his brother does.
Still a fan of water.  Showers, baths, always looking to play in water.
His words are coming along.  I was worried maybe he was behind on his language, but the closer I pay attention the more I realize that he is communicating just fine.
Stubborn as all heck.
Short fused and gives up easily in frustration.
He is sensitive!  We thought moose was our sensitive one, but if Sawyer does wrong or gets told no, he will break down in tears of shame or disappointment.
Snuggly.  He can be stingy on his hugs - but really appreciates his cuddle time.
Loves to hold Jackson's hand.  In the car, around the house.  Jackson is everything to him.
Is very good at hide and seek.  Counts to three, so better hide fast!
Very athletic - has an amazing throw on him and for weeks carried his hockey stick everywhere.
Favorite food is MEAT or yogurt.
Has the best laugh ever.
Loves being upside down.  
Loves to be jiggled and shaked - but don't dare swing him!

Sawyer, you are our little fire cracker.  Full of so much drive to succeed and be 'big' like the rest of us.  I promise you that your time will come when you can do everything that your big brother can do.  Thank you for teaching me patience daily.  Thank you for the extra snuggles or sneaky smiles.  The giggles and laughter.  Thank you for being such a key part of this family.  We love you and can't wait to see what's around the corner for you!

1 comment:

  1. Love you lots Mr. Sawyer!! Your smile and giggles and cuddles and your cute little 'more' when I hang you upside down and I do more even though you are so heavy is exactly what I need some days! You are a special, amazing little (big) guy who makes my heart happy!

    Lots of Love
    Auntie Nicole xo
