Monday, February 10, 2014

Olympic Spirit

I must admit, I so easily get sucked into watching the Olympics for hours on end!  I just get hooked!  This year is even more fun as I have a little buddy to share the joy with!  The topic at preschool this month is 'Olympics/Canada' which has been awesome.  All crafts and activities have been centered around those two topics (including making a Sochi Olympic torch).  He knows all the words to 'Oh Canada'.  He points out Canada flags and maple leafs (or is it leaves?!) WHEREVER we go.  We talk about the sports and watch them on TV together.  It's been a nice treat.  To top it off, Nana got the boys some nice Canada Olympic apparel.  They love it.  Jackson wore one of his shirts to school this morning and was proud as punch to tell everyone it said Canada.  I love that pride.  We really do live in an incredible country.

Enjoy the Olympics Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I think it is Jackson's excitement about Canada that has them doing so well!! My favourite was when he told me he wanted to 'build Canada' with his Lego! Seriously?!? What a great kid!!

