Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tuesday Blues

Today is a tough day. I can barely keep my eyes open...the office is hot - yet I know I will be going home to an even hotter house! Boo! I have such a sore neck and upper back - it has given me such a headache. I am unsure how to get it all to go away. I think stress may be playing a very large role in this!
I opened my planner this morning and it is loaded. I work Saturday and it is on Nicole and I to plan the two agency bbqs for next week. When we volunteered it seemed so far away, but now it's just around the corner. Work is actually fairly busy given the few programs that are left running. I'm not going to lie, I am soooo glad that Saturday's Collective Kitchen is the last one for a few months...the break is well needed!
It sounds like Trev's parents are making the drive to E-town Friday. I don't envy them - it is one long drive. I received a text from Trevor last night at about 11:00 pm that they were wanting to come in to do some shopping. It is a busy weekend, and I am feeling guilty that I will be working for the better part of their stay. C'est la vie I guess.
I am really just logging on to blow off some steam because I'm really grumpy and feeling overwhelmed.
My mom is far too cute. She had to call today to see what color the cake topped should be powder coated to. I said black. She said what black. I said black black. She said there are SIXTY freaking blacks...soft black, hard black, glossy black, matte black, pearl black - - - AHHHH!!! I just want black. All these little decision. I honestly am soooo looking forward to that sunny beach where we can unwind after everything is all said and done! I can't believe we are 80-some days away. Time truly does fly when you are having fun.
**I can't wait for you to come home Trevor. Wish there was more 'us' time this week off, but we will make it work. Don't work too hard (or eat too much delicious banana bread without bringing some home!!!). Talk soon.**


  1. I was reading this and thinking... realy 60 blacks, I had to giggle... then I got to the part of banana bread and WAM! I thought of Darren (my bf) eating banana bread and oatmeal raisin cookies at work and always telling me how good it is and never bringing any home!! LOL! Where does Trevor work??? (Maybe they know eachother?)
    Lots of love,

  2. Marcy?! As in Marcy Edgecumb? There's no way in this big ol' world of ours that you're reading my blog?! I just read this comment now!!!! Trevor works for Suncor. How the hell have you been? Life flies by, but how nice of you to comment and take me back quite a few years!!! Keep checking in!

