Tuesday, September 17, 2013

August 28 Swim Time

Both of the boys are little water babies.  They just love water; puddles, taps, swimming, baths...they aren't picky!  Trevor turned the temperature down in the hot tub while he was home and we all went in for some family time.  Well, that's a little misleading...the boys went in, I came out to take some pictures because I don't like going in after I've already showered, and when I almost fell in to get 'the shot' - Trev made me break my shower/hot tub rule and get in the dang tub!  

These boys of mine are pretty great!  Smiles, splashes, silliness and all!

1 comment:

  1. So much fun. Could have stayed in there all day!

    Gotta love the fresh farmer's tan lol

