Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rain Drops...

..Keep falling on my head!

We've had a lot of rain this year.  Yesterday was I think the first time Sawyer stood in it and really realized that rain was falling from the sky, the ground was wet, and that it's kinda cool!

These two boys have been quite the duo lately.  I feel like things I never thought of have started to happen.  When our basement flooded yesterday we were pulling toys out of the furnace room.  Many of the 'baby toys' that Sawyer just lacked interest in.  I feel like he's skipped that whole stage of toy-play because he always wants to do what his big brother is doing.  Play with what his big brother is playing with.  Go where his big brother is going.  So - getting him to play with the younger toys is just impossible.  It never occurred to me that he'd skip that stage.  It never crossed my mind although it makes perfect sense and I'm a fool to not have thought of it!  These two are inseparable most of the time.  Jackson waits for Sawyer to wake in the morning or after nap.  With any sense of 'go-ahead' from us, he's in Sawyer's room, flicking the light on, standing up on his crib and yapping his ear off.  With these sweet moments...the chasing...the playing...the excitement and cuddles - also comes the wrestling, the fighting over toys, the demands for the same object, food, drink at the exact moment the other has one.  Woah.  That's quite a shift here lately.  Sawyer has really grown in the past few weeks into a noticeably older boy - and although it makes me sad to see the baby stage go - these two and their bond makes anything in this world worth enduring.  Their shared giggles, their insane need to be the same and protect each other (Jackson will always be the first to pipe up 'and Sawyer too...' and Sawyer is the first to show discomfort when Jackson is being chased or tickled to the point of shrieking), their hugs, and their rivelry is really what having kids is all about.

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