Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Backyard Fun

The boys are always itching to play outside.  It's a regular question that I get throughout the day.  They just putz around.  Drive the tractor, play in the sandbox, find mischief...you know - boy stuff.  Sawyer actually has become quite fond of the tractor, which doesn't impress his big brother most times.  Jackson is great at sharing, but when it comes to his tractors, you can physically see the pain and panic it causes him to share.  Sawyer actually hopped on the other day and drove the friggin tractor!  I just stood there yelling 'SAWYER'S DRIVING THE TRACTOR, SAWYER'S DRIVING THE TRACTOR'.  It just goes to proce what I mentioned the other day about Sawyer skipping a stage to keep up with his big brother.  There isn't much more in the world that he thinks is great than Moose.  It's pretty neat.

I just love this first photo...for no particular reason.  It's just a silly shot of the boys putzin around the yard.  I think maybe because it's just that...a simple shot of them just being brothers.  Dirty feet.  Dirty faces.  Dirty shirts.
Target acquired...
Mission Accepted...
Looks to make sure his brother isn't chasing him down yelling 'NO SAWYER, THAT'S MY TRACTOR'...
And we're off!!!....
For all of three feet!

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha can still hear the inital panic in moose's voice about his concern when the tractor took off. Sawyer sure is picking up on how to play cars and tractors quick

