Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pool Party Day

Yesterday we decided that today would be a 'pool party' day!  And it's the perfect day for it.  We bought hot dogs and chips, got out the pool toys, and spent the morning outside.  We will revisit after everyone wakes from their naps too!  

Warning, no fun was had while taking these photos ;)

A thank you kiss for the water wings
A water ball fight!
I really wished he were having a better time!
He stole my water floater!  He looks too cute on it though, doesn't he - dada took this pic - and it's a gooder!
Some bobbin around with dada...that cup is his weapon!  He soaked me over the head a few times!
Some relaxation in a recliner!


  1. Looks so relaxing!! You're gonna turn into a fish while you're there Mr Moose!

    Love you and miss you,
    Auntie Nicole

  2. Welcome to the party of my life here you will learn everything about me. best pool toys
