Saturday, November 3, 2012

Of Course He Did...

Of course Sawyer cut two teeth yesterday and may be working on two more.  Why not?  Holidays aren't for rest anyways, right?!  RIGHT?!  Haha...he is such a treat during the night.  It's delightful!  Bugger!  Hopefully he cuts the two top ones soon because they are so swollen and red that they look like they are going to explode.  Poor stinker.

 With a face as cute as that, it's hard to stay frustrated with him!  Even though we were up pretty much allllll night with him!  I think the drugs and exhaustion finally kicked in with him at about 4 am!  Then Moosey was up at 7! 

1 comment:

  1. Mr Sawyer could you be any cuter ?! Auntie loves you and needs a big cuddle from you when you get back!

