Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fun Perks of the Hotel

The oh-so-lonely volleyball net!
This is the boat we took to go snorkeling!
Our cautionary sign!
Oh what a life.
The cool sailboats we DIDN'T go on!
Ah - beach massage! Glorious!
I love this shot of the hammok!
We hung out in this hammok numerous times, however, the red ants liked to hang out there too...ick!
The bistro...ah cheese fries and chicken wings!
Cool little bikes that looked like far too much work!
Our beloved air conditioner! Oh what a beautiful thing!
Our room number! I forgot daily! At dinner I would give the room number and Trevor would go behind me and give the RIGHT room number! What a good man! haha


  1. Wish we were still there mon. Many great memories with a perfect wife.

  2. This vacation made me realize that I haven't been in any vacation for a year now. We have a hammock in our backyard. But a hammock during vacations has a big difference. We used to own an air conditioning unit that is the same as this one in your blog. It was removed since we have an air conditioning system installed, which is one of my wife's best decisions for our house. Happy vacation!

    Harold Rhoads
