Sunday, March 16, 2014

Two is almost here...

 That little boy up there is going to be TWO in just a couple short weeks.  Yes, you read that right - but in case your stumbling on it, I'll spell it out for you T-W-O!  It absolutely kills me!  I was trying SO SO hard last week to sit and remember him being a baby.  It's gone.  A blur in time.  Thank GOD I have photos and the blog - it definitely helps jog my 'oh ya, remember that...' memory.  

Sawyer is really starting to turn a corner.  It's been a hard few months with that cute little boy as his frustrations were at an all time high.  The age where they have SO MUCH emotion and SO MUCH to say but not quite the full means to say/express it all.  His words are multiplying daily and thank goodness for that!  It has really been a more peaceful coexistence lately!  His personality is so fun to witness.  While Jackson is kind of the limelight chaser in the house, Sawyer is starting to stand up to the social challenge.  He's just quiet about it.  But he has a look in his eye...and he waits until you acknowledge and see it before he takes his next step.  He teases, tickles, dances, and slides into his own little lime light!  It's awesome.  The two boys are so different but such a good fit with each other.  We really feel lucky that their bond is so strong and that they genuinely like each other.  It's always just passing time until Jackson comes home from school or Sawyer wakes up from nap.  They ask for each other.  They wait for each other.

We have decided to do a joined birthday party for the boys in May when the weather warms up and after our vacation.  So in a couple weeks we will be celebrating Mr. Bear on a quieter note and then, come May, watch out! 

A side not as I'm looking at that last photo is that monster trucks have taken over my life.  Seriously, they have them everywhere.  Tonight while I was running their bath, getting PJs, and cleaning up I noticed they were in my bed, in Jackson's bed, in Sawyer's bed, in the bathtub, on the floor beside my bed.  Yowzers.  We are definitely in a monster truck phase!

The above little sidebar made me laugh about another little story...
A few weeks ago in the middle of the night, I had heard one of their talking garbage trucks!  In my sleepy state, I immediately jumped up to sneak into Sawyer's bedroom to take it out of his bed so it didn't wake wasn't there.  I did the same to Jackson' wasn't there.  I woke both boys up inadvertently in this process at 1:30 am.  I came back to bed, rolled over - and the damn thing talked to me again...because it was IN MY BED!

1 comment:

  1. Such a little boy now. Hardly any baby left in him. :(

