Monday, March 24, 2014

Making Memories

These photos may really seem pretty boring to most people.  To me, they represent my children and everything that is magical about them, their relationship, and their imaginations right now.  Honestly - Duplo is a total staple around here in terms of play.  On this particular morning, no word of exaggeration, they sat there and played on that small little square on the stair landing for just under 2 hours.  They built towers, vehicles, buildings...Jackson taught Sawyer how to put blocks together.  They were completely consumed...with each other, with their own conversation, with creating.  That's what being little is about.  Playing. Learning.  Loving.  As a THEIR mom...there is nothing better to me than to listen to their little conversations and watch their bond grow.  

I am so proud of them.

I had to capture these moments on camera.  I clean up Duplo daily.  And if you knew how much Duplo these boys had, you would know that clean up is no small task.  But somehow I rarely mind cleaning up these powerful little blocks.  These blocks, I'm certain, have led Jackson down a path of creativity and now I overhear him sharing that with Sawyer and you can't put a price on that!

I started taking some photos from a far where they wouldn't notice...then I got busted from Sawyer, so I moved in to take some other photos.

 I almost trash boxed this photo until I caught a glimpse of Sawyer's face.  The admiration.  The love.  The 'looking up' to Moose.  I love it - it became a keeper!

1 comment:

  1. Mornings like this are as good as it gets!

    Thanks for the posts babe

