Saturday, January 18, 2014

Little Helpers.

Seeing as how I left the last post saying that I wish the kids could help more with some things, I thought I'd start this post by pointing out something they are really great at helping with!  Being my test subjects!  I'm sure one day they will roll their eyes and mutter under their breath, but for now - they are USUALLY willing!  Often after I get my studio set up for a photoshoot, I call in the troublesome twosome for some test shots to test my lighting, backdrop combo, etc to see if in fact it all fits together like it does in my head.  The night of these photos was one of those nights and they were being so cute it REALLY made me wish they weren't wearing their PJs and underwear!  Or does that add to the cuteness!?  Who knows!

I'm laughing to myself as I'm looking at these photos because Sawyer looks so cute, doesn't he?!  Want to know the truth?!  The past three days he's started cutting his 2 year molars and I tell ya what, he's anything but this cute!  Think instant meltdowns, quick disappointments, picky behaviors.  It's been a lot of fun!  Friday while dropping off Jackson was a perfect example of this.  I tried to hold his hand, he snatched it away with an I do it myself "NO".  I walked ahead of him and once I reached his version of too far ahead,  he threw himself on the floor in a huff.  I let him do the stairs on his own and he fell at the bottom resulting in a defeated expression paired with feel sorry for me tears.  And yes, I did feel sorry for him.  He wants so bad to 'keep up with the big dogs' so to say.  His world is very frustrating to him right now.  It sucks for him...and you know what, sometimes it sucks for us too ;)  The kicker is that the impatience, the easily disappointed feelings, the short fuse - that's ALL ME!  Yup, that's his Mama in him so I can't even complain!  And of course this is me sharing the rough stuff.  I guess I will end with his cute little cuddles last night at bed time where he made up his own kiss/cuddle pattern game while we were rocking.  He is endearing.  He is sweet.  He is becoming his own person.  And we love him...on the bad days, and the good.  It's just a little easier on the good!!

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