Friday, April 12, 2013



Sawyer is ONE.  I can't even believe it.  The past year has gone so very quickly.  It amazes me and saddens me at the same time.  I have no idea how they grow so quickly.  Learn so much.  Form such strong bonds with people.  I can't put into words the relationship that Jackson and Sawyer have.  It is EVERYTHING and MORE that I had wished for them.  I am sure they will love hard and fight hard.  I've been thinking a lot about the past year.  Reminiscing about last summer, it was tough.  Moose was 2, Bear was just new.  There were hard days.  Tiring nights.  But as I reflect now - I wouldn't have done it any other way.  It was worth it.  They are magic when they are together.  Jackson is so sweet and soft with Sawyer.  Sawyer looks at Jackson like he is the most magnificent thing in the world.  Wherever one goes, the other follows.  They wrestle, they get frustrated, they bicker and complain.  They love, they cuddle, the have special moments and strong instincts.  They are the two most beautiful things in my life and I am SO GRATEFUL they love each other as much as I love each of them.  May their future be full of memories and adventures.  

1 comment:

  1. There couldn't be a better pair out there. Everyday their bond gets stronger and stronger.

    Happy birthday again bear. May every year be filled with just as much magic as the first.

