Saturday, February 9, 2013

I Wonder...

...Is it bad that when you run into friends at an Oiler game, they comment on my lack of updates on my blog lately?!

I needed the kick in the butt!

These are some pics from the boys on Thursday morning.  Goodness me, they melt my heart.  They often have little conversations, play time, interactions that really are just so sweet!  And Sawyer, his little face just melts my heart!  And Jackson, man is he a ham!

Their Pajamas are too darn cute and were picked out by none other than Moose himself who insisted on having the 'blue airplanes' and getting the 'ones with feet' for Sawyer.  I'm not going to complain, I loved them too!

Jackson:  'Uh huh, and then what happened?'
Sawyer:  'The dragons teeth were this big and I wrestled him to the ground!'
Jackson:  'Right, - let's play tractors now, okay!?'
Sawyer: 'Hmm...Yah, ok. But I get the yellow one.'

1 comment:

  1. No not bad at all :)
    Thanks for the update. I love to read about your days and seeing the awesome photos of Jackson and Sawyer
    Also it was great to see you!
