Friday, December 21, 2012

Lovin It!

Jackson cracks me up all the time now and his little sayings or pieces of our conversations are really telling signs that he is picking up on EVERYTHING we say and do!


Thursday December 20, 2012

Moose:  'Mama, turn on the whateryadoin light please'!
Me: 'Huh'
Moose: 'The light.  Right here (Points upwards from his carseat)

I think...and think...and then I realize...

In our new car we have a switch that turns on the interior lights and when it's dark, I had said once or twice, 'What are you doing?' while simultaneously turning on the light to take a peak.  So apparently, he has absorbed that and has processed it as those lights being named the 'Whateryadoin' lights! 

Oh the sweet mind of a toddler!  I LOVE IT!


  1. Haha!!! But the big question: what WAS he doing!???

  2. LOL that would have been funny to hear.


    Miss you family
