Monday, December 23, 2013

Empty Hearts

I haven't posted on here for a couple weeks because I haven't known what to say.  I couldn't move forward without sharing this - but my emotions hadn't let me sit down to do so yet.  And still, I know this will be short until I can dedicate the appropriate time to a proper farewell post to our best friend, beautiful family member, and beloved pet - Kia.

On December 9 I had to say goodbye to her for the last time.  I am not in a place where I will share the details just yet.  Nor have I been able to bring myself to go through photos and memories.  But she deserves that.  She deserves her own story.  So for now, I will share the last two photos I have of my three children together.  Had I known it would be the last time for such an opportunity, I would have worked harder for Sawyer to look at the camera.  I didn't know.  I thought there would be many more photos, heck I thought there'd be many more years.  Shame on me for not trying harder and it kills me every time I look at these photos.

I swear sometimes at night I hear her eating.
I look for her in the morning when I wake up.
I call her name when no ones around and I feel lonely.
I miss my best friend.

More to come when I can manage to put some thoughts together.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing like the loss of a pet to break your heart. She was a lucky dog to have such a great family to love. But I know how much you all must miss her. I'm so sorry....
