Monday, April 25, 2011

Play Time

 Yesterday was a gorgeous day!  We had gone to the park and gotten home to put moose down for his nap.  He just babbled to himself for a long time, so we brought him back down!  It was the first time ever that he has totally missed an afternoon nap!  For the most part, he was smiling and having a good time, but he did get tired faster for bed.  So, we risked it and bathed him early.  He was sleeping for the night by 6:30 pm!  We didn't hear a peep until 6:45 this morning!  What an awesome sleep!  I wonder if this no afternoon nap is a new thing for him!

Anyways...yesterday we spent some nice time on our deck (thanks Cynthia & Dustin for the visit and 'treats'!).  I had to go finish getting dinner together so Jackson stayed outside to play with Nana and Papa.  He discovered that the ottoman for the chairs made a great walker and loved going back and forth with it!  He also LOVES his ball he got for Easter from Nana and Papa and was having a grand ol' time chasing, bouncing, and sitting on it!  We were curious about all the giggles, so Trev went out to catch a few photos!

While the fun was happening outside, this is what I was taking care of inside!...

SO Delicious!

 Thanks for the visit Nana and Papa...It was nice to see Jackson keeping others on their toes for once!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work on the turkey Lady! Very Impressive :)

