Sunday, March 27, 2011

Example A

As mentioned, Jackson is starting to combine toys and activities and it is super funny to watch!  Yesterday the toy of choice was his puppy - he was dragging it around everywhere, regardless of what he was doing!  Poor puppy!
He loves his walker and frequently visits it, and yesterday he was trying to put his puppy in it, but the puppy wasn't cooperating!
Then he drug the poor puppy all the way over to the strainer that he left in the hall!
He loves the string!  Simple.
 I love watching him interact with everything around him - he is so curious and inquisitive and DETERMINED! 


  1. dam he is he makes me smile as much as Cameron makes me

  2. Thanks! He's changing so quickie! They all are. Exciting and sad at the same time!

  3. I LOVE your blog Kristy! Looks like you have been keeping busy with lots of new additions - BOB, huge couch! Hope to see you soon!
