Sunday, March 20, 2011

Drummer in Training

Today I had a busy busy day.  I had a photoshoot that took up my morning - and then the afternoon I spent fiddling around with crappy computer stuff that sent me back to Future Shop - and the night didn't end positively.  So Frustrating - but tomorrow is a new day. 

The good news is that while we were at Future Shop Jackson found a set of drums that made him light up with happiness!  He literally stood behind them - had the stick - and was banging.  The bad news is he cried the second we took the drum stick away!  If I can find a mini drum set - that may just have to be this boys birthday present!  Although, I'm sure he wouldn't be disappointed with the big set - hahaha.

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Rock on Jackson!!

    Hope you have better luck tomorrow babe.

    4 more sleeps family.

    Lots of love
