Thursday, March 31, 2011

Beaver's Progress

Today when Jackson woke from his afternoon nap, he did some rearranging in his room!  He dropped Ginger, and anything else he could get his paws on, to the floor!  I also thought I would show you an update on our little Beaver's progress on his crib!  Stink Rat!
Looking at all his goodies!
Greeting Ginger after I picked her up!
It really makes me want to scream!
We got touch up stain from E-Children, but I'm waiting until this phase passes!

 Tonight he was playing around in his diaper after he got his dinner on his clothes...he can be quite a goof!  Miss you Daddy - and it's only been a few hours!

1 comment:

  1. Holy smokes moose!!! You were sure protesting being jailed up in bed. Please stop chewing on your bed though buddy.

    Miss you family

