Monday, March 28, 2011


 Trevor had to take the car in to Mazda today and Jackson was being super funny - so I felt like I had my camera out all morning!  Breakfast is always fun...we get to visit...and talk...and eat!  We were at Rhymes that Bind the other day and this is where we discovered that Jackson LOVES Arrowroot cookies!  Yum Yum!
His eyes are bigger than his mouth!
But he'll try!
Which resulted in him dropping it...
This is the look he gave me when I asked him if he needed help...
Apparently he didn't because he retrieved it on his own and was delighted!

 Then during our yogurt (his favoritest food!) a big blog dropped from the spoon onto his bib.  Instead of letting me try to get it, he folded his neck and chin over as far as they would go and attempted to lick/suck it off...
 Remember when we were little and we would put paint on paper and fold it in half to create a mirrored picture of blobby goodness?  That's what this reminded me of!

And then, like usual, he was off to chase the Roomba :)

Enjoy your Mondays everyone!

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