Monday, September 20, 2010

Swimming Lesson Number ONE!

All Packed Up & Ready to Go
Pre-Swim Snooze!
Post-Swim Dry Down
...and ONE BIG KISS because I'm so proud of my Little Man
Well, today was our FIRST swimming lesson.  The program is called Parents and Tots and is for ages 4 months up to 3 years.  It combined three of the classes together.  Jackson was the youngest baby hands down!  We went with our friends Kerri and her daughter Haydn, who is 6 months.  Jackson and Haydn were the smallest, youngest babes in the lesson...but I'm super happy that I'm starting him young.  

He enjoyed it, however, I did get a serious lip pout a couple of times at the beginning!  Other than that...we just sang songs and played in the water.  It is a very warm pool (insert pee joke here), which was nice for the babes!  He warmed up to it all quickly and I had to take into consideration our mad rush to get them dressed because we were late and that he was woken from his nap! 

What lesson did we learn as moms you ask?!?!  Bring quarters for lockers, know where parking is, and leave five minutes sooner! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you buddy. Hope you and mom keep having more and more fun every week.

