Monday, September 13, 2010

I believe Jackson has found his voice!

I frequently play the "I'm Going to Get You" game with Jackson, and sometimes he will talk to me, sometimes not...but tonight was like NO OTHER!  He made me laugh!  It was like all of a sudden he realized that he had a voice, it was loud, and he could use it!  There were also a couple laughs in there!  This was play time like no other!  He has been getting more interactive, but this was SO FUN!!  It was definitely the highlight of my day!  Trevor was putting tools away (...yes, tools!) in the basement and heard us all the way through two floors.  Apparently, he thought it was a perfect time to sneak in some video opportunities! 

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm home and I was sooo excited to get caught up on your blog! So many cute pictures and videos. I know it's only been a week, but I CANNOT wait to see you guys! These last ones with Mr. Noisy made me so very happy, me and Jackson are gonna have some great conversations!

