Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Well, today marks four months for Jackson!  He is so cute and fun!  It is amazing how much can happen in four months and how much he has grown.  We are so excited to see every day what he will do.  People always say it goes so fast, but that barely describes it!  I want to bottle him up in a jar and preserve these moments!  

Things we LOVE about Jackson at FOUR MONTHS...
- He smiles A LOT!  Each morning when I get him from his crib...he always has a smile waiting for me, and it melts my heart each and every time! -
- He has learned to use his hands to grab things and this has made his world of play so much more fun! (...and yes, he now grabs hair - so watch out!) -
- He laughs.  Not a full out giggle yet, but he LAUGHS! -
- He is trying to sit on his own and he will pull himself forward when sitting on your lap -
- Since he has learned to stand, he rarely wants to sit anymore! -
- He finds great fun in Jolly Jumping!-
- He is patient (except when hungry!) -
- He is super easy going and and loves to 'talk' to the people he knows the best! -
- He is starting to get ticklish -
- He still loves his baths and as a result, we started him in swimming just yesterday -
- He comes to 'moms groups' with me and spends more time flirting with the moms than playing with the babies! -
- He is starting to attempt to roll from his back to his front...I'm keeping my eyes peeled! -
- He is eating up to 7 oz a feed now rather than struggling to get 5 oz in him...and is eating every four hours rather than 3 - which is nice! -
- He usually only wakes once in the night for a feed -
- He absorbs everything around him and loves lights and ceiling fans.  He spends a lot of time just watching things and I can see the wonder on his face -

There are so many more things that Jackson is doing - I can't even think of them all right now!  I feel like each day his personality shines through a little bit more!  He is fun, happy, easy going, and the light of our lives.  We wonder every day how we got so blessed and what our world was like without him.  We are so excited to see what each new day holds for our little man! 


Miss you Trevor!



  1. Oh my god!!! Seriously?? Those are perfect! Any chance 4 month pictures go out to those who love Jackson??


  2. Happy 4 months old Jackson. Can't wait to give you your 4 month old kisses and hugs.


  3. Happy 4 month birthday Jackson!!!! Sending all our love your way!!! And to your mommy and daddy! Miss you all tonnes!!!
