Sunday, October 31, 2010

Salisbury Shoot!

Today we went to Salisbusry Greenhouse!  They had a display set up indoors to take photos of the kids and they also had lots of family Halloween activities for older kids.  It was fun, and I'm sure would only get more fun as Jackson gets older!  Needless to say I snapped 104 a few photos! These ones are some of my favs...but I will post his Halloween costume ones next!

1 comment:

  1. Love these pictures, he is so interested in the world around him and you are exposing him to so many fun things! (haha, I just realized if this were the olden days I would have just made a photography pun-I'm a loser!) I like the ones with his tongue out, it's like 'gimme some candy mama!' Jackson you are the cutest monkey in the jungle, Love you!

