Friday, October 22, 2010

Grocery Shopping Pal

 So now that Jackson uses his big boy car seat, grocery shopping has become a bit more tricky...outside of using the carrier, which he doesn't always feel like being in because it keeps him from looking around, I'm limited to the stroller - which limits the shopping!  So, I am HAPPY to say that we got our shopping cart cover, tried it today, and LOVED it!  It is made for babies who are starting to sit on their own and can hold their heads up.  It adds cushioning, sanitation, is washable, and has straps to help support and keep Mr. Moose snug and safe!  On top of that, it has loops to hook toys onto and a mommy pocket to put my essentials in, i.e. wallet, cell phone!  It is made to fit all cart sizes, including Costco's big clunckers!  Today, I had to use my cell phone to take pictures of our BIG 5 MONTH OLD BOY because I failed to remember to put our small camera back in the diaper bag...tsk tsk!  

He loved the independence of being able to sit up in the cart, face me, and interact!  

...and I had fun too!

Snug and clean as a bug and SO happy!  He chatted a lot with me, maybe because we were at eye level!
I may have brought his toy, but he was more interested in chewing on the remainder loose part of this harness strap!

Reaching for my cell phone as I'm snapping his photo!
Looking around at EVERY THING!

 As crazy as it sounds, I think I like this better than when we could bring in his car seat.  He is more free to move around and explore, which most of us know is a must for him...and he is more interactive with me too - he touches my hands and 'talks' to me.  I feel less rushed, and it all ends up being a more fun experience!  When he's sleeping the carrier is great - but when he's awake I think this is our golden ticket! It may just be yet another new shower gift idea for my future mamas!

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