Now during cereal, Jackson usually tries to put his hand on my feeding hand or on the spoon... |
Or, he likes to grab the spoon! |
Monster! |
Mr. Messy! |
But still soooo cute! This was mid-speaking! |
Kia is never far behind when it comes to us feeding Jackson! |
All cleaned up! This time I had to clean his hands, face, spoon, and high chair! |
So worth it! |
I actually now look forward to our cereal times in the morning! Jackson was awesome today! He slept until 8 am (after only waking once at 3 for a feed), then took a nap from 9:30 - 11:30, then ate like a champ! We then went and did some shopping with Aidan and June, and enjoyed a nice, quick lunch! Then we rushed home, went to swimming, where we got to see Grandma! Now we are home, and he is asleep for his evening nap! It was a very good day. I enjoyed every minute of it so far! The only thing missing is Daddy!
I love this post. Can't wait to be home and enjoy the morning fun with my family.
Miss you guys.
looks like he loves his cereal!!! what a big boy holding his own spoon!!!!! Can't wait to see it first hand!!