Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Winter Wonderland FUN!

When Trevor was home last week, he couldn't wait to take Moose on a sleigh one afternoon, we got him bundled up and away they went!  First for a spin around the backyard so Mommy could take photos and then off to the park!  I think Moose loved it and I know Trev did!  I LOVED seeing him walk all marshmallow-like around the corner all bundled before they left!  SO CUTE! 

He started clapping in the backyard!  So fun!

Blowing Mommy a kiss as she took photos right before they headed for the park!
That smile brightens up my day, matter what!
Off they go!
Daddy's iphone photo...not too shabby!
Parking his ride to wander around!
'Check me out!'
Moose's snow angel!
 Trev took a video or two - which I'll upload in a bit :)  In my world, lately, that means a day or so! goodness where is the time going!?

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for sleigh rides!! Had so much fun and can't wait to do more this week :). Really wish I had a better camera. The big camera and I aren't friends. Can wait for more adventures with the new camera.

    Hope your feeling better in the morning moose.

    Love you guys.
