Monday, November 14, 2011

Shaw...internet blues.

Can you believe it has been SO LONG since my last post?!  I can totally take responsibility for some of my tardiness...however, our internet over here has been HORRIBLE!  That is an understatement.  Outside of editing photos, I haven't been on my computer much at all!  I'm connected one second, the next second I'm not.  I can only use internet in ONE room in the house.  Shaw has been out a couple times...and there's still no resolution.  It drives me bananas so often I just don't bother anymore!  I'm sorry.  I have some catching up to do now!


  1. lol when I first read the title I thought it said "shaw internet blows" lol

    Thanks for the posts today!!

    Love you and miss you


  2. does blow - but I thought that was a little too much for a blog title!
