Saturday, June 26, 2010

2 Nights Down, 5 To Go...

So, the countdown is still on.  Two nights are completed and in just five sleeps, our family will be back together.  I try to fill my days with outings and/or friends.  It helps...but it definitely isn't the same as having the three of us together.  Today was a long day and did not go as quickly as yesterday...but we are almost there!  Trevor is on nights, so that makes talking a bit harder too...

Yesterday's events consisted of a visit with Becky which included returning my lens (boo!) and hitting up West Ed (extra 40% off sale items at Gap Kids!!) and then an evening visit with Nicole and her parents.  It was nice and outside of Jackson's very upset tummy last night, it was a great day!

Today's events consisted of a nice morning walk with Nicole, a very tiny afternoon nap, and dinner with Ryan and Casandra.  Now the monster is napping!  I tried to do the same, but it just wasn't happening!  Besides, I promised Trevor daily pictures and one must follow through on one's word!  

I can't wait for Thursday...and it seems so far away!

The new casts of Jackson's hands and feet!  They are pretty cute.  We didn't quite catch that middle toe, but they turned out fantastic nonetheless!  Awesome keepsakes!

1 comment:

  1. ...miss my family dearly. Can't wait until thursday.

    XOXO and hugs to Kia
