Sunday, April 12, 2015

September 17 - Corn Maze!!!

Going to the corn maze is always something I look forward to every year.  This past year felt a bit deflating, but I think it was because Sawyer was in such a fowl mood, which you wouldn't know by looking at these pictures - which makes me laugh.  I guess if you distract a kid enough, they can forget how miserable they want to be!  The bounce pillows are so awesome.  They are always the hugest hit of the experience.  The boys had a blast with Greyson and Stacy and I always enjoy joining forces!  The corn maze was our least favorite part!  We totally kept getting turned around and it was just frustrating more than anything!  Maybe going earlier in the day when people are a wee bit more fresh would make a wonderful difference!  But until that attempt, I will enjoy watching how happy the boys were there!

Sawyer's face in this photo...seriously!...

We went to the animal feeding area.  To say Sawyer was excited about this experience is an understatement, which is unusual for Sawyer!  It was all excitement and happiness, until a goat bit him!  Talk about a game changer!  I couldn't help but laugh!  Of course the goat bit Sawyer, why wouldn't he bite Sawyer out of all kids.  I love that I caught the exact moment it happened...but none of the tears - I was on damage control at that point!

The Choo Choo tractor ride.  Oh how fun!

Alone they couldn't get these cars to work...legs are just too darn short still!  But together - together anything is possible!

 And back to the bounce pillows!  The intensity in Jackson's face here was so worth keeping!

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