Sunday, August 10, 2014

July: Going, Going, GONE!

Man, there is no excuse for my lack of post for a whole month.  I actually have no idea where July went.  It's been a blur for sure.  Some things that made the list of July adventures are...

- Birthday parties!  The summer always seems to bring some fun birthday party with friends.
- Mighty Machines Summer Camp! Jackson loved this camp.  Mighty Machines was his first true love in terms of tv shows so when this camp was brought to my attention, I jumped on it - whether it was in Sherwood Park or not!  Sawyer cried every time we left Moose there, I felt his pain!
- Potty training Mr. Bear!  Trev took the lead on this one.  It hasn't been quite as easy as with Jackson, but it was way easier than I had anticipated with Mr. Stubborn.  He has days every once in a while where it's like he forgets everything we worked on!  However, he's done well!
- Summer Promo at work!  22 photoshoots in one weekend/2 days - 'nuff said!
- KDAYS!  We got to see our sweet friends Monica and Grace for a fun afternoon at KDays.  It was a lot of fun, but a COMPLETE money pit!
- Swim Camp!  This second camp was also great.  There were definitely more positives than this one than the other; it was closer to home, longer, included a swim lesson!  Moose had a great time.  In fact, I think he was a bit miffed that I didn't put him in MORE summer camps!  He loves being out and social and learning.  Love my boy.
- Everyday life with a 4 year old, a 2 year old, a husband whose gone half the time and a new puppy!  I can use that as an addition, right?!  It seems to take up majority of my time - so I think it counts!

I had 34 Photoshoots in total for July.  And I typically only book when Trev's home to watch the boys, so July had me on my toes for sure in terms of work!  YAWN - exhausting!  I try to suck it up for the summer and fall months as they really are the busiest time of year!  I am fortunate to be so busy, but it left me with little time to update on here :)  Playing catch up!

Here are some snap shots to catch you up in brief mode!

 Seriously, how precious!  Sawyer and Izzy are two little love bugs, wrestle buddies, and friends!

 This is a clear reflection of how exciting and tiring July was!...

Summer Camp Drop Off!

 It won't be long until she climbs right in there with them.  She LOVES the water!

Where's IZZY!?

 Jackson made this tractor at camp - it's still on our mantel!

 How's this for bed head?!

 A little bit of brotherly rambunction turns into an owie, and the culprit was assigned ice duty!

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