'Here let me help you with that.'
'I have big muscles, I'll do it.'
'I think I can do this myself.'
'Okay, I'll do it!'
All common phrases around here lately. Jackson is in a super helpful stage and I must say he is truly helpful. I'm enjoying it very much. And number 2 watches every move number 1 makes so here's hoping he follows in his footsteps. Last night, obviously with supervision, Jackson made dinner all on his own. Complete with finding his apron and oven mitts and putting them on prior to starting. Don't worry, it's a manly apron! And maybe I'm being misleading, it was only kraft dinner - but he nailed it ;)
Last night while putting moose to bed I said, 'you have to have a good sleep so that your body grows and your mind gets sharp'.
This morning he came running into my room, excited as all heck, announcing 'my mind is sharp now Mama!'. Priceless.
Good job moosey!!