Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day Trip of Play

We've been looking forward to yesterday morning for at least a week or two.  We don't get to see the Lacina girls nearly as much as we would like only because they live an hour and a half away.  Now that summer is coming, we are hoping to get back to more frequent visits.  To say that the kids play well together is just not enough.  There is truly a connection between Mr. Jackson & Ms. Reece!  They just adore each other!  I always enjoy these visits regardless of the skipped naps and the late bed times.  It's always worth it.  Amy and I met just over a year ago (Chad & Trevor used to work together).  Why oh why did it take those boys a couple years to 'talk' about our families meeting before it happened?!  What precious wasted time.  It was Amy and I that had finally put it in motion and there was no looking back!  Sweet, sweet people!

Reece and Moose played all sorts of things.  They are into similar tv shows so we had a couple hours of downtime while the younger two napped and watched some Curious George.  But, hands down - the best part of the day was when we were all playing outside.  We've been waiting for summer for what seems like forever, and yesterday it actually felt like it may be here!  Amy made awesome Jello Orange Slices (who knew!?) and the kids adored them.  I may put this on my list this summer!  She's always amazing me with yummy treats and food.

The part of the day I dreaded the most was 'Doc McStuffin'-ing Sawyer's feet!  I kept putting it off, knowing (or thinking) it would be a disastrous process.  You see, in this summer excitement, Thursday night we played on the deck.  Mr. Sawyer was crawling around having a good ol' time.  Then yesterday morning I went to put some shoes on him and surprise, the tops of his feet were covered in slivers!  Noooooooo!  I was not wanting to partake in this!  I thought 'maybe I'll wait until Trevor comes home?!  He's good at those things!'  but knew they could get worse, more irritated, pushed in deeper.  SO...Amy came out armed with about five pairs of tweezers, I held Sawyer on my knees and sang him some songs and he played with my necklace.  5 minutes later, all 13-or so slivers were GONE.  Zero tears.  Zero flinching.  Zero squirming.  Good God I love my children!  I was prepared to have to restrain him and go hard through the pain!  Thanks Amy ;)

Speaking of my 'Doc McStuffins' reference...that's one of Reece's favorite shows right now!  So, she has a little doctor kit from the series.  Those two were playing doctor with each other and it just melted our hearts!  Jackson's not familiar with the show, but he didn't care.  Curious George had already showed him how to be a doctor, so both kids were adorable in their 'helping' and 'fixing' each other.  The are some serious cute!

We also took along our bouncy house.  Was a nice way to spend some time outside.  Ring Around the Rosy and Sleeping Bunnies were huge hits and I think we must have sang them a dozen times!

Great Day with Great Friends!  It just sucks that the husbands who brought us together are now at separate companies on opposite rotations, so they get to miss the magic that they created!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a good time had by all!!

    Many more sunny day trips a head

