Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sign Language

I always had big ambition to use sign language from an early age with Jackson, but I wasn't as diligent as I needed or should have been.  Or so I thought!  He, daily, uses the sign for eat every morning when it's time for breakfast.  Usually when it's time, I ask him if it's time to have breakfast, and he does the sign for eat to me...but yesterday at breakfast time, he gave me the sign and started heading for the stairs!  I love it!  I may not have taught him many signs, but it's neat to watch him use the ones we did use consistently.

We've also been working on going DOWN the stairs!  It is touch and go!  Sometimes he's really interested in it and other times it's like he's completely forgotten how.  It'll come, slowly but surely.

Assuming descending position!
Contemplating his plan of action.

And that's a glimpse into our morning yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. Nice work with the signing all by yourself moose! Can't wait to see it in action myself.

    Thanks for the posts!

    See you tomorrow family!

