Friday, July 15, 2011

Mowing the Deck

 Then it was on to the lawn mower!  He is getting to be so much fun!  A lot of work and chasing around - but so much fun!

I love this boy's smile - brighter than the sun!
Our deck didn't really need mowing, nor did our lawn - but we thought it was more appropriate!
 He's not totally sure about the grass on his feet - and I can totally empathize!  I hate the feeling!  This is where he started walking towards me saying "Ma Ma Ma Ma" and so I just had to pick him up and save him from the feet-biting grass!

I LOVE this photo :)
 We really miss you Daddy.  Overtime is not fun at all!  Can't wait until Monday

1 comment:

  1. He looks sooooooooo cute pushing his lawn mower on the lawn!!
